In The Between - Culmination of the Emerging Artist in Painting Fellowship by the Delaware Division of the Arts by Denise Ernest

It seems during this time of Covid-19, that most people have probably felt as if they were in the “between”. Webster’s Dictionary defines the word in several ways, but the one that makes sense to me is, “in the time, space, or interval that separates”. I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt a little separated from the world these past few years. Who knew it would last so long?

However, during that time, I was the recipient of the Emerging Artist in Painting Fellowship for 2021, awarded by the Delaware Division of of the Arts, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. What an exciting and affirming privilege for me! As a result, I was able to produce nine new works in 2021. The Fellowship provided me with the opportunity to show my work in three different venues.

In June, I had four of my paintings displayed at the Biggs Museum of American Art in Dover, Delaware. Photos of this exhibition can be found under the “Art Exhibits” tab on my website. As a result of that show, my painting “Tears On My Grandmother’s Braids” was chosen to be displayed at the CAMP Rehoboth Gallery in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for the month of August (also under the same tab).

The culmination of my Fellowship was my solo exhibition, “In The Between” at the Mezzanine Gallery in the Carvel State Office Building in Wilmington, Delaware (see tab “Art Exhibits 2). I was so excited that even in these trying times, I had a great turnout for my show. According to Bruce Decker, the gallery coordinator, I had the best attendance at an opening in a long time. It felt so good to be supported by all the people who came out to see the exhibition.

At the end of November, we moved into our new, forever home, in Newark, DE. Since August of 2021, we have been under the gun to find a new place to live and decided to buy instead of renting this time. Kind of tired of moving. For any one who knows me, that is quite a feat, to be sure! Finding a place, making an offer, having the offer accepted, getting the new house in shape before we moved in, packing up our stuff, moving our collectibles, art and my studio ourselves, doing a local move which took 4 days to complete, unpacking, Christmas . . .well you get the drift. It was not a productive time at all. However, I am blessed to have a studio in my new home which suits me well. I have it set up finally except for having some of my larger works in the way until we can have them professionally hung in our home.

Now, the creative juices will have a chance to flow once more. Stay tuned for more updates.

Covid-19 by Denise Ernest

Covid-19 has certainly changed many lives around the world. Being in a risk group myself, I’ve stayed close to home, wear my mask while in public, and socially distance when I’m around others. Its pretty hard when you see your daughter for the first time in 4 months because of the lock down (she lives in NYC), and not be able to hug her. Fake hugs only.

As the Covid-19 virus continues to wreck havoc around the world, I felt a need to add another painting to my “The Women Series”. Simply called “Woman - Covid-19”, this painting represents all women who are dealing with the virus in what ever way it has come to them. I believe I had a case of it at the end of February, early March. I suppose I will never know for sure. What I do know for sure is that it is real. Its unbelievable to me that the virus has become such a political football. Too bad our government didn’t respond to the pandemic in a more effective way. The world and this country seem mad (as in insane) sometimes. It makes me sad to think that this is how my senior years will be spent. I was envisioning quite a different scenario full of art engagement and new horizons. I guess the positive that has come out of it is that I’ve painted 4 new works and a block print since the beginning of the year.

In the Woman-Covid-19 painting I only wanted to show a close-up of a woman’s face so I concentrated on just the eyes, nose and mouth and only one side of the face. It started out to be a self portrait, but I didn’t want it to be just about me.

I used scarves, fabric, acrylic paint, beads, mirror tiles, crystals, and a little glitter. The eyelashes are the fringe from the scarf I used to make the eye ball. The mirror tiles make up the iris with a marble for the pupil. I wanted viewers to look into the eye and see themselves, making the portrait their own.

Making the Covid-19 viruses was quite a challenge but fun too. I had to unglue my fingers more than once and believe me that hurt! I finally found some gel type super glue which made it much easier since the gel would stay put and not run all over as I tried to attach the smaller beads to the larger Covid beads.

I hope you all stay safe and healthy during this horrible time. WEAR YOUR MASK!

The Paths You Take and Those You Don't by Denise Ernest

I should have had these photos of my show up a long time ago, however, now that I’m a full time artist, I will be better at posting in my blog about all things art, and keeping my work more up to date. For now though, I hope you enjoy seeing my work. It was an awesome experience to see my work all hanging together in one space. It overwhelmed me. I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it felt after all this time to have my work displayed in such a great space. Many thanks to all the people in the Art Department who made this happen for me; Abby, Anna and Tim, I couldn’t begin to thank you enough for all your support. And thanks to my husband John Ernest, without whose love and support I would not have been able to build this book of work. And, thanks to my friend Gregg Silvis (Sylvan Art) who introduced me to the right people. You should check out his work

The Paths You Take and Those You Don't - One Woman Show at the Recitation Gallery, Recitation Hall, University of Delaware, March 19-April 20, 2019 by Denise Ernest

I’m so thrilled to be able to post that I’ve been selected for a one woman showing at Recitation Gallery, in Recitation Hall, on the campus of the University of Delaware.

My show will run from March 19, 2019 - April 12, 2019. I’m not sure yet when my official opening will be but I should know in a few days and will update my post.

If you are in the Newark, Delaware area, please stop by and see my work. I think they look terrific here on my website, but to get the full effect of what I do, seeing it in person is the only way to go.

Plus I have new work that hasn’t been posted here on my website yet. I’m hoping to get some good photos of my work hanging in the gallery with terrific lighting, so stay tuned to see my newest paintings.

I have posted some new photography in my Abstract Photography folder, so check that out. Four new photos in my Car Wash Series.

i will be looking forward to seeing you at the show!

New Work by Denise Ernest

My new work is the next painting in my "Women Series". These paintings are delving into the hopelessness of women who get caught in circumstances where they have no power. Being a prostitute, a bride in an arranged marriage, or a pin-up girl represent impossible situations that women can find themselves in just to survive.  There isn't any beauty in women finding themselves in these circumstances yet there is beauty here too in the nature of women. 

The third painting in this series is entitled, "Pinned Up Girl - Under the Moon".   I've used silk scarves again in this painting as way to create a three dimensional aspect to the work. The scarves become an aperture for the paint coupled with the various textures and surfaces to create tension and vulnerability to the painting. The juxtaposition of the silk scarves to the thickness of the paint, as well as the very fragile strands of paint, and the textures that go from wild to sandy, gives a sensuality and yet a hardness to the "Pinned Up Girl - Under the Moon".

This new work, "Pinned Up Girl's Boudoir" incorporates the beauty of the boudoir; silk , sensuality and glamor; and then the pink questions that glamor and reduces the image of a woman's bedroom to the color always associated with girls and women "pink is for girls".  The mystery of the pink and red create the tension in this work.  The threads of gold create a fragility in opposition to the bright pink and red which are both so strong.

New Work by Denise Ernest

My website has a new section entitled "New Work."  Featured here are my newest paintings including details of each work for a closer look.

My newest work is a diptych, "When the Howling Stops". The lighting of these paintings is an essential element in the work. I have included the work as it looks in natural light but have also added a photo of the work under different lighting. When the type of lighting changes, so do the paintings. 


Welcome to My Studio by Denise Ernest

Thank you for stopping by my studio.  In my life, I've visited some dark places--the "Vault," because that's where I put things for a very long time.  

I work with and against that darkness in my paintings.  I am pulled toward the sparkle of car paint, how a pearl looks, the hardness and fluidity of metal, the drape of a silk scarf, the brilliance of a jewel. The draw to abstraction is the way I can speak without submitting to the darkness in the real.  

My photography is a little bit different.  It's how I look at the real and find the abstract quality in the here and now.  

As I have more time, I will come back to this blog and talk about individual work.  For now, I am pleased to be able to welcome you to my studio website.  

Feel free to leave me some feedback on any of my work.

Thanks again for stopping by.  Until next time....Denise Eno Ernest