
New Work by Denise Ernest

My new work is the next painting in my "Women Series". These paintings are delving into the hopelessness of women who get caught in circumstances where they have no power. Being a prostitute, a bride in an arranged marriage, or a pin-up girl represent impossible situations that women can find themselves in just to survive.  There isn't any beauty in women finding themselves in these circumstances yet there is beauty here too in the nature of women. 

The third painting in this series is entitled, "Pinned Up Girl - Under the Moon".   I've used silk scarves again in this painting as way to create a three dimensional aspect to the work. The scarves become an aperture for the paint coupled with the various textures and surfaces to create tension and vulnerability to the painting. The juxtaposition of the silk scarves to the thickness of the paint, as well as the very fragile strands of paint, and the textures that go from wild to sandy, gives a sensuality and yet a hardness to the "Pinned Up Girl - Under the Moon".

This new work, "Pinned Up Girl's Boudoir" incorporates the beauty of the boudoir; silk , sensuality and glamor; and then the pink questions that glamor and reduces the image of a woman's bedroom to the color always associated with girls and women "pink is for girls".  The mystery of the pink and red create the tension in this work.  The threads of gold create a fragility in opposition to the bright pink and red which are both so strong.